Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Online Communities

  • How do online learning communities significantly impact both student learning and satisfaction within online courses?
Learning communities impact an online educational environment by the access to the information and the overall interaction that is established through the course work. In engaging the learners in deeper discussions and deeper analysis of the material presented, the students can walk away form the courses of programs with a sense of accomplishment (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). Using tools such as multimedia, chat rooms, even video conferencing if available, will add to eh overall enhancement and sense of belonging to a community and circumvent the alienation that can precipitate from being a distance learner.
  • What are the essential elements of online community building?
Essential elements for online communities can fall into five spate entities
1)    A sense of shared purpose
2)    Established boundaries of who’s a member and who is not
3)    Enforcement of rules and policies
4)    Interaction among all members in the community
5)    Respect among the members
  • How can online learning communities be sustained?
Through active participation, respect, and understanding of all members of the community, the facilitator monitors and provides as safe environment for shared learning and community growth, and the individuals take personal responsibility for their actions and assist in maintaining a cohesive and positive learning experience. In taking these actions, a community can become strong and properly motivated to grow and learn together. 

  • What is the relationship between community building and effective online instruction?
There are several benefits from participation in a successful learning community model such as increased student satisfaction, increased perception of learning, an innate sense of belonging or feeling as if they are a part of something larger than themselves and social pressure to succeed (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). On the other hand, if the online learning environment is not appropriately developed and/or the instructor/facilitator does not create a welcoming environment, the students may quickly succumb to feelings of isolation and loneliness and possibly drop the course before giving the class or themselves a chance to acclimate accordingly.

Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (2012, October 28). Online Learning Communities [Video file]. Retrieved from http://
The Tech Journal (2012). How to manage a sustainable online community. Retrieved October 28, 2012, from


  1. Hi Joseph,

    I am looking forward to following your post. Love your page.


  2. Hi Joseph -
    Wow! Nice flames! Looking forward to following your blog.
    Julie McDowell

  3. Hi Joseph,

    I will be following your blog posts and loved the background image :).


  4. Hi Joe -
    Nice post on the importance of distance learning communities. I appreciated you highlighting how students in successful distance learning communities have a heightened sense of satisfaction upon course completion. Thank you also for sharing the graphic on the stages of development for distance learning communities. I teach 8th graders, and it's hard to get past the first stage right now because most of my students don't have the investment in education that say, an adult learner might have.
    Thanks - Julie

  5. Hi Joseph,
    I am following your blog. I like that you highlighted how a successful online community can give students a sense of belonging and increase learning. I have seen that happen in many of my online learning experiences.
